Winter update
It's been a tough week! You can see from the Strava club that people haven't been out much and I am sure that if you're anything like me that makes you grumpy.
Well there are things to get excited about. Winter is on its way out and Spring will soon be springing! Our new stock is dropping at the end of February and hopefully by mid March we will have it all shot and online on our new look website ready for Spring!
We've been varying our riding, back out with the torches in the woods...
We have put a lot of work in since Summer doing some cool designs and sourcing great suppliers so we are really excited to show everything to you all. We will again host another coffee morning in Blackmore to launch the new range officially and we will be at the bike show in London, on trade day I'm afraid, flying the flag as well.
So, all in all keep your eyes and ears peeled! We are going to keep running the Strava competitions so sign up to the Strava club and keep pedalling! You will thank yourself for it come the Spring!!
We have not been hibernating and we are busting to show you what we have been doing!! Stay tuned.